Genesis mining

LoserChick Genesis Mining is open to all whitelisted addresses. During Genesis Mining, users can mine $CHICK by staking $USDC.

Maximum stake amount for a single account: 1,888 $USDC

Add $CHICK contract address:


Add $USDC contract address:


How to participate in Genesis Mining Whitelist?

● Open and click on "Connect Wallet" in the upper right corner of LoserChick.

● Click on "Approve", jump to the wallet and click on "Confirm".

● Click "Stake" after getting the wallet approved.

● Enter the amount of $USDC to be deposited, confirm and click Stake (whitelisted addresses can be pledged up to $1,888 USD);

● Stake $USDC Success

● The $CHICKs mined can be collected to your wallet account by clicking on "Claim".

● Open the Metamask wallet and confirm the arrival of $CHICK.

How do I remove the staked $USDC?

● To retrieve $USDC from the contract, click on "Unstake".

● Enter the number of $USDCs to retrieve and click "unstake".

● Open the Metamask wallet and confirm the arrival of $CHICK.

Last updated